Uploads the Dave Hodge the Common Sense Show


By Dave Hodges
18, 2012

"The real truth of the matter is, as you know, that a fiscal element in the big centers has endemic the government of the The states since the days of [President] Andrew Jackson [1 century]." -Franklin Roosevelt in 1933

On March 6th, Robert Stanford was convicted in a Houston federal court on 13 out of 14 counts of fraud.

The jury determination was delivered iii years after Stanford defrauded 30,000 investors in 113 countries in a Ponzi scheme involving $vii billion in fraudulent high-involvement certificates at the Stanford International Banking concern located in Antigua.

The corporate controlled media has accurately reported Stanford's use of the fraudulently obtained money (due east.g., purchasing mansions, jets, yachts, million dollar condominiums). Notwithstanding, the corporate controlled media conspicuously failed to report that much of the stolen money went to bribing corrupt members of the corporate controlled congress on both sides of the aisle. The illegally obtained money was given to the likes of Barack Obama, William Nelson, John McCain, John Boehner, Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid.

The mainstream media too failed to mention that both the Republican and Autonomous political parties accustomed this fraudulently obtained money equally well. The court-appointed receiver tasked with returning the money to Stanford investors obtained a federal court order last June against five Democratic and Republican campaigns. All the same, despite the courtroom social club, the leadership of both parties has still not returned the money! The Democratic Senatorial Entrada Committee received near a million dollars. The National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) has accepted near a quarter of a meg dollars of Stanford's sick-gotten gains. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee accept received nearly $200,000 of the stolen coin. The Republican National Commission $130,000, and the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) has accepted $83,345. These facts indict the entire Democratic and Republican political appliance and they are unquestionably participants in a criminal enterprise system which is benefitting from the theft of investor monies in the same style as did ex-New Jersey Governor and Goldman Sachs executive, John Corzine, when he allegedly stole tens of millions of dollars from MF Global investors.

Stanford used his influence, through the use of the stolen investors' coin, to block two pieces of legislation which would accept fabricated it easier to prosecute this crook with millions of dollars on political campaigns donations. The two biggest recipients of the "donations" designed to stop this nib were Senator Bill Nelson (D) and John McCain (R). Other of import Democrats on the Senate Banking Committee as well got checks from Stanford and the reform bill never got out of the Senate.

In the most brazen motility in this litany of criminal enterprise actions, both the Republican and Democratic entrada committees actually possess the nerve to appeal the lower court determination to return the money to a higher federal court instead of returning the stolen investor's money to the rightful owners.

Anyone who votes Democratic or Republican in subsequent elections is complicit in aiding and abetting a proven criminal enterprise. RICO statutes should be immediately enforced and seizure of the assets of these political parties should be implemented and the funds placed in the nation's treasury. Even so, the entire system is then corrupt, it is incommunicable to know where to turn for justice. Meanwhile, the political whores from both parties have sold out the American people and the Republican and Democratic Mafia are non even trying to hibernate their organized criminal activities. Meanwhile, the bulk of the American people are still asleep at the bike while this nation is existence robbed blind.

To appointment, the Stanford victims accept managed to repossess nearly $150,000 from elected officials who accepted this stolen money. However, almost two 1000000 dollars of political donations are still missing. President Obama took his money and donated information technology to charity. Someone should explain to the Godfather of governmental corruption, President Obama, that he does not have the legal authority to dispense stolen coin, obtained by fraud, to anyone simply to the victims. But when has Obama recently followed the law? Obama, McCain, and Reid more closely resemble the Sopranos criminal offense family than public officials who have sworn to uphold the U.Southward Constitution.

Since the Stanford verdict was handed down, I have been waiting with baited breath for at to the lowest degree some kind of caption from these criminally compromised public officials, withal, there has only been silence. Therefore, I have decided to write a press release, on behalf of these criminals, who have hijacked our government, which seeks to rationalize their unchecked felonious behavior.

We got to get paid, we need to become paid, we deserve to get paid.

We are doing a lot of piece of work in helping the globalists taken down Amerika, so "We got to get paid."

Yous want to run pedophile rings with relative impunity in places similar the Franklin House, Penn Land Academy and Fort Collins, Colorado? "We got to become paid."

You desire to make people disappear without Constitutionally protected due process under the NDAA? "We got to get paid."

You want to put your cancer causing x-ray machines in the airports and soon to be on the highways, byways, railroad depots, malls, sporting events and your children'south proms? "We got to go paid."

You want to bankrupt our country with endless wars of bankster inspired conquests and occupations? "Nosotros got to get paid."

You want to destroy the Gulf of United mexican states for profit with first oil then with Corexit? "We got to get paid."

You want to poison the American people with cancer-causing GMO'south that don't have to labeled? "We got to go paid."

Y'all desire to build and staff FEMA re-pedagogy camps, which are fix to become operational on August 1st which will bring America and the world its darkest days since Auschwitz? "We got to get paid."

You desire to spray the sky with chemtrails which inundate the heaven with aluminum and barium that bring about early onset Alzheimer's and a host of fatal respiratory ailments? "We got to get paid."

Y'all want to proceed putting jet fuel (i.east. fluoride) into the country's drinking h2o? "Nosotros got to become paid."

You want to ho-hum impale unsuspecting Americans with mandatory and unsafe vaccines? "We got to get paid."

Yep, we acknowledge to turning a blind eye equally the CIA, the ATF and HSBC Bank collectively ran guns into Mexico under Fast and Furious which was designed to undermine the Second Amendment.

Yes, we also admit to assuasive the these same organizations to run drugs into our country. We acknowledge that nosotros have allowed HSBC bank to fix up fraudulent bank accounts in gild to launder money made from drug and gun running and and so funneling a portion off of the profits to support international terrorism as a pretense to gut the Constitution.

Yes, we admit to allowing Ponzi schemes to proliferate on Wall Street which led to the "need" for the bond outs.

Aye, we admit to abdicating the unabridged ability to declare state of war to the foreign built-in traitor, Barak Obama, who openly admits he takes his marching orders for war from the Un Security Quango, thus making him a strange espionage agent.

Yep, we acknowledge that these heinous crimes against America should make Obama eligible for impeachment and confidence for treason and espionage which should render him eligible for the aforementioned punishment as the Rosenberg's from vintage 1950'due south fame. But what the hell, we need this President to keep setting the political table because "We got to keep getting paid."

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Yes, nosotros acknowledge that we no longer care if you lot, the public, know what we are doing. What are you going to do? Eighty percent of you lot commoners don't know what day information technology is. Also, we have all the power and our puppet masters own everything, and then what are you going to exercise?

"In short, we got to get paid. Leave the states lone, lie down and accept your chirapsia or nosotros will brand you lot disappear under the NDAA."

End of Articulation Statement from the President, Congress and both major political parties.

America, what are we going to exercise? There can be no more than fence-sitting. Are there any of yous that can reasonably refute the preceding paragraphs?

Thomas Paine got information technology right when he so eloquently stated, "Tis fourth dimension to role." Tin there be any doubt where this heading? Continue to follow these events here.

© 2012 Dave Hodges - All Rights Reserved

Dave Hodges is an laurels winning psychology, sociology, statistics and research professor, a higher basketball coach as well as a former mental health counselor. Dave also serves equally the spokesperson to the newly formed national coalition, The American Coalition to Protect Personal Property Rights, which is designed to gainsay the growing erosion of personal holding rights across America.

Frequently referred to America's nearly contained talk testify host, Dave Hodges is the host of the nationally syndicated, hard-hitting and exciting investigative radio talk show called "The Common Sense Evidence." "The Mutual Sense Prove" arrogance on the Democracy Broadcasting Network every Sunday evening from ix-11pm Central. The show features an array of impressive guests coupled with an in-depth analysis of important personal, social and geopolitical problems which are largely unreported in the mainstream media. The wide multifariousness of evidence topics ranges from the loss of ramble liberties, to the subsequent implementation of a constabulary land nether world governance, to exploring the limits of homo potential. The main purpose of "The Mutual Sense Show" is to provide the listening audience with the tools necessary to reclaim both their individual freedoms and national sovereignty.

Acquire more almost his radio talk show:

Dave Hodges DCH, MC, NCC
The Common Sense Show airing on The Republic Broadcasting Network
Sunday's 9PM-Midnight Primal

Live streaming


Call in number: 1-800-313-9443
Producer'south number: 1-800-724-2719 x115
Cell Phone of Host: 602-620-5582

Website: republicbroadcasting.org

E-mail: thecommonsenseshow@yahoo.com


To appointment, the Stanford victims have managed to reclaim virtually $150,000 from elected officials who accepted this stolen money. However, near two million dollars of political donations are still missing.


Source: https://newswithviews.com/Hodges/dave123.htm

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